You can’t change the background color in official app, but in whatsapp plus app, you can change your chat background color, notification background color etc, so you can make your chat background according to your choice by using the amazing feature.It allow you to send more than 10 pictures in a same time, means you can select more than 10 in single time which facility is not available in official app.
In default application you can’t send video over 15MB, but in whatsapp plus you can send 50Mb video files, so it is the best application for those peoples who want to send large video files in their groups.Default it comes with blue icon, but you can change the icon according to your choice, it is the best feature in it.Guyz in this section we are going to describe some features of whatsapp plus, and we also compare it with official app, so you can read all features in this section before download whatspp plus apk.